
Trust your documents like never before.

Experience content hyper-automation so reliable that you finally have time for strategic work.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Document Modus Operandi: The content hyper-automation engine for technical business documents and reports.

Docmo revolutionizes the production of files, folders, documents, reports, and email messages for small and enterprise businesses in the finance and engineering sectors.

Docmo's two biggest strengths are:

  • not disrupting your software ecosystem and workflows
  • accommodating sophisticated business logic without code

Docmo can be implemented in just days. Reconfigured in minutes. Our proprietary Tag-Action Framework makes it simple to understand your hyper-automation rules — and even simpler to reconfigure them.

No new apps. No migration. No learning curve.

Docmo meets your users—and data sources—where they are. No adoption rollout plans are necessary when new features just appear for your users. Read some common use cases...

Custom Button in Web App

A new button in your Salesforce (or, or QuickBooks Online, etc.) interface triggers Docmo to generate and deliver required documents automatically.

Excel or Word Add-In

A new button on the ribbon in Excel or Word allows you to access Docmo’s features directly from within these familiar applications.

Invisible Integration

Invisible and automated triggers (such as when an order is submitted) within your proprietary app prompt Docmo to produce and deliver necessary documents without any manual intervention.

Hyper-automation rules are defined using formulas in the mighty Microsoft Excel.

Explaining (and reconfiguring) sophisticated rules is incredibly straightforward with our proprietary Tag-Action Framework. Your business remains agile and efficient when adapting to changes is frictionless.

Users can't access the rules. Docmo reads the rules; and users access Docmo invisibly (from other apps), as a cloud service, or locally.

Each rule has an Action Type, and an Action Result. Dozens of Action Types grant limitless possibilities. See a few examples...

Action Type* Action Result*
Text What text to include?
Image Which image to insert?
Bold On or Off?
Exclude Content Yes or No?

*Can be static values or the result of any Excel formula.

Protip: To repeat a section of content or produce multiple documents, the Action Result should point to multiple values (like a column of cells or a FILTER function)!

Unlimited everything. Non-binding 12-month terms. Setup fees typically waived.

Unlike the industry standard, Docmo offers unlimited usage—no metering of users, templates, assets, integrations, or files produced. Setup and configuration fees are typically waived for moderately-sized implementations (saving you $5k-10k USD).

All licenses include an allotment of Preferred Technical Support hours from our consultants, so you can focus on strategic work while we handle the configuration details. Licenses also include partially automated health monitoring to ensure your configurations function correctly and smoothly.

License costs range from $50 to $5,000+ per month, based on servicing costs and server load estimates. Your bespoke price is locked in for 12 months with non-binding terms—stop using Docmo anytime without penalty.

Say goodbye to double data entry.👋

Docmo seamlessly integrates with databases, web apps (API), and even local files (like DOCX and CSV).